Fire Safety Week

National Fire Safety Week happens every year around October 9th, and these are some fantastic activities you can do with your preschoolers to introduce them to fire safety.

Fire Safety Prewriting Cards

Fire Safety Prewriting Cards

Laminated prewriting cards are a cheap way to incorporate writing skills into your curriculum. Print out the paper, then laminate. The kids can use washable markers to practice their skills, then use a wet paper towel or baby wipe to erase and start over.

Purchase Here

Emergency Vehicle Letter Matching

Emergency Vehicle Letter Matching

This activity is a great way to have the kids practice letter recognition for upper and lowercase letters. The uppercase letters are on the emergency vehicles, and the children can find the matching lowercase letter on the siren. Use some velcro dots to attach the lights to the vehicles and challenge your students while making learning fun!

Purchase here

Firefighter Math Linking

Firefighter Math Linking

Incorporating math into your curriculum is important, and this activity brings math and fine motor skills to your students. The children need to count how many links are required to match the firefighter to the burning house. Cut out the cards, laminate them, then put a hole punch where the students need to add the link. Numbers go from 1-10, and the students will enjoy seeing how the chains get longer as the numbers increase.

Fire Safety Sensory Bin

Fire Safety Sensory Bin

We always change out our sensory bin materials depending on the theme, and for fire safety, we love bringing in community helper figures, beans, and orange gems. Add some scoops and bowls, or even fire truck toys for some extra fun.

Fire Safety Themed Easel

Fire Safety Themed Easel

A simple addition to your fire safety week curriculum is adding red, orange, and yellow paint. Give the children a variety of paint brushes throughout the week and let their imaginations run wild.